About FindADataJob.com and Avery Smith

📝 About Me and FindADataJob.com

👋 Hey! I'm Avery, the founder of the FindADataJob.com

Quick background about me... I started out my career as a chemical lab technician, and I hated it. I knew I couldn't stay in that job too long. I soon found my love for data, and became a data analyst. Eventually, I became a data scientist at ExxonMobil, got a Master's degree, and started my own data business in 2021. That's when I started Data Career Jumpstart and started my mission to help LOTS of people land data jobs! 

Through my data analyst bootcamp, I realized students had a hard time finding good jobs, quickly. That's why I decided to try to help solve the problem by creating Find a Data Job! 

Find a Data Job is quickly becoming one of the the best data career job boards, with jobs from some of the coolest data companies. If you're looking to land your first data job, this is the place to find it. 

Happy job hunting!




PS - Feel free to reach out anytime: Avery@DataCareerJumpstart.com